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Frequently Asked Questions

Not necessarily. You have been referred so you can be reviewed and any investigations arranged that you may need. Even though most conditions are not of a serious nature, any different or unusual changes should be investigated.
Our usual wait time for appointments is one month for Wahroonga rooms and two months for Hospital for Specialist Surgery (Lakeview Private Hospital, Norwest) rooms. If the matter is urgent, your GP or referring doctor must contact the rooms so we can triage all appointments.

Effective 1st July 2024

Initial consultation $270
Follow up consultation $190

Yes. We will inform your GP/referring doctor and any other specialists, (ie. Cardiologist) of all consultations, investigations and treatments you have received.

There is no preparation needed to see Dr Loder in rooms. We ask that you bring with you your current referral, any pathology and scans and/or other important and relevant notes. Preparation is needed for Manometry, but this will be discussed when you are booked in for these specialised tests, if needed.

If you need to proceed to colonoscopy and/or other procedures or an operation, you will discuss this with Dr Loder at time of your consultation. Dr Loder’s secretary will book you in and any other relevant information will be given to you after your consultation. If you have questions, it is best to write them down and bring them with you for your appointment.

All appointments are made by telephone only. Due to the nature of our practice, we cannot offer online or e-mail appointments. If you have any questions or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Pruritus Ani or “itchy bottom” is a very common condition. The skin around the perirectal area is exposed to irritating digestive products in the stool. This may lead to an itchy rash, especially when stools are frequent. Often the rash is worsened by vigorous use of toilet tissue or scrubbing with soap or water. It is best not to use soap and avoid scratching the area. There are treatment options and these will be discussed at the time of your appointment.

“Diverticula” are small pockets that develop in the colon wall. “Diverticulosis” describes the presence of the pockets. “Diverticulitis” describes the inflammation or complications of these pockets.

It affects most of the population, without the patient ever knowing unless a colonoscopy is performed. The cause is not precisely known, but it is thought to be due to Western or low-fibre diet. There is no cure, but increase in dietary fibre, (grains, vegetables, fruit etc.) may help decrease the complications of diverticular disease.

PR or per rectum bleeding must always be investigated to rule out any serious pathology. It could most commonly be the symptom of either haemorrhoids or a fissure but further investigation should always be sort.

As with any positive result, further investigation should always be performed to rule out serious pathology. More often than not, the positive result could be caused by blood from haemorrhoids or fissures or even if you’ve eaten meat before the test is performed. Follow up is always recommended.

Yes. You should be advised whether you need to make an appointment in his rooms for the usual 4-6 week post operative period. This appointment should be made as soon as you have been discharged and are home and when making this, please let us know this is a post op appointment.

For all appointments & enquiries please call:

Note: we do not offer or accept email appointments.